Pillow Talk by Dr. Viviana Coles emphasizes sensuality | The Nightcap

Relationship therapist and intimacy expert Dr. Viviana Coles is launching a new masterclass on the underlying current of sensuality called Pillow Talk. It’s all about keeping the spark alive in relationships beyond sex. Watch the Sneak Peek at https://youtu.be/qRSz3hTflcM?si=KOnb-E9jTyPh9tmD The free online masterclass “Pillow Talk with Dr. Viviana” will happen on Monday, June 10 at…

The art of pillow talk: Nurturing intimacy in relationships with Dr. Viviana Coles | Houston Life

ARE YOU KEEPING THE SPARK ALIVE IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP? Watch the video that originally aired on KPRC Channel 2 Houston: https://www.click2houston.com/houston-life/2024/06/01/the-art-of-pillow-talk-nurturing-intimacy-in-relationships-with-dr-viviana-coles/ Whether your relationship status is single, taken or somewhere in between – you’re not alone when it comes to figuring out what you really want in a relationship. That’s where Dr. Viviana Coles comes…

Why are you fighting so much? | Fox 26

DO YOU AND YOUR PARTNER SEEM TO BE FIGHTING A LOT LATELY? Watch the video that originally aired on Fox26Houston.com: https://www.fox26houston.com/video/1455767 Couples may start to bicker about seemingly trivial matters for various reasons, often stemming from underlying issues or differences in communication styles. Here are four common reasons: Stress and Fatigue: External stressors such as…

Let’s Get Intimate! | Boobtube Podcast

What is intimacy without breasts? If you are not including breasts into your intimacy, find out how to! Dr. Viviana adds to the conversation. WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/brSGfvJ6FTQ?si=53TZ0Qj-DaHsjEDi LISTEN HERE: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/boobtube #doctorviviana #houstonrelationshiptherapy #podcast #drviviana #relationships #bestrelationshiptherapist #intimacyexpert #boobtube #4intimacystyles

Deconstructing SEXUALITY: Dr. Viviana Coles on Fostering HEALTHY Sexual RELATIONSHIPS and INTIMACY | Toxic-Free with KB

We are happy to share that the episode is out today! Please find links below: Audio: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/deconstructing-sexuality-dr-viviana-coles-on-fostering/id1346148344?i=1000645058630 For more tips, tricks, and helpful relationship insights from Dr. Viviana Coles, subscribe to her email list at doctorviviana.com/connectwithme Houston’s Relationship Therapist, TV Therapist, Couples Therapy Houston, Houston Sex Therapy, Couples Counseling #love #dating #relationships #couples #doctorviviana #houstonrelationshiptherapy #vividrelationships #toxicfreewithkbpodcast #4intimacystyles…

If They Want to…They Will & The 4 Intimacy Styles with Dr. Viviana Coles | Adultish Whines Podcast

For more tips, tricks, and helpful relationship insights from Dr. Viviana Coles, subscribe to her email list at doctorviviana.com/connectwithme Houston’s Relationship Therapist, TV Therapist, Couples Therapy Houston, Houston Sex Therapy, Couples Counseling #love #dating #relationships #couples #doctorviviana #houstonrelationshiptherapy #vividrelationships #adultishwhines #4intimacystyles #adultishwhines